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Lady Lilith in the image of God source |
But even I cannot deny that God made this perfect creature for my former misogynistic mate. When word spread that she was the reason for their banishment from paradise, I could not say I wasn't pleasantly thrilled. Surprise, however, no, she was made to follow the direction of man, even if he was a serpent. Beguile as she was.
The news of their eviction has made me nostalgic of what little happiness I had before I renounced his Divine name but the thought of Adam's actions towards me during our last days together will always bring about my rage. We were supposed to be equals, we were from the same dust that breathed in life, after all. The way the animals and angels looked at him with complete envy and awe, it was clear he was the favorite and I will never understand why. I will never forget the day I left. It was the most exhilarating moment of my young life. It was the first time I found actual paradise.
It was the day Satan was struck down to Earth. I could feel a buzz in Adam's demeanor. I know now that this is called the male ego and his was filling up the entire garden. I remember feeling so annoyed at his happiness. An angel had fallen, I thought. We should have been remorseful for the disloyalty, not rejoicing in what everyone already knew: Adam was supreme. This had always annoyed me to no end because I never saw him as my superior, only an equal. He wrapped his arms around me but I pushed him away. I was not in the mood to concede to his cockiness. He was not happy with my behavior. "Lie beneath me, woman!" he exclaimed. His words were the ultimate betrayal for it cemented his sense of entitlement. An entitlement that should have belonged to me as well. So i ran, actually, I flew away from him, as far from the Garden as I could muster. I belong to no man and I was second best to no one.
When God's peasants, i mean angels, found me in my relaxed exile, they threatened to kill 100 of my children a day if I did not return to Adam. I refused, I could not go back. Adam's pride got him a place on the figurative golden throne, while my pride depicted me as a monster. So I became one by declaring my allegiances to the Darkness of Night. Every day I get my revenge on the fair woman's children. Everyday I seek vengeance from the lives of their descendants. I'm just glad I got to see Adam kicked off his pedestal while I'm at it. Actually, now that I think about it, I think I'm starting to like this Eve character.
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Demon Lilith Source |
Authors note: This is a retelling of Adam's first wife Lilith. According to Jewish legend, the two were born at the same time from the same dust. As Adam became the clear lead in hierarchy, Lilith stuck to the idea that the two were equal and later renounced her duties as his wife and a follower of the divine. God's wrath involved a punishment of Lilith losing 100 of her own children each day. She takes revenge by raping male descendants of Adam and murdering the female's babies. After some outside research, I have found that she is either labeled as the first female vampire or an evil succubus. Satan was struck to earth after not paying homage to Adam as the divine right, thus was punished by God's wrath. Please also note that this is not intended to offend anyone or their beliefs, it's honestly just a story. For more info on Lilith, Click here
Hi Mary!
ReplyDeleteWow! What an interesting spin and retelling of the story. First of all, I really, really, liked you're writing style and how you told your story. It drew me in to wanting to see how it would end. I also feel that the way you told your story truly gave life to Lilith's character. I felt as though I knew what kind of personality she had. I also felt as though I could have pictured her in real life and the kind of person she was. I enjoyed the feminist approach this had as the reason she fled was because she wanted to be treated as equals to Adam and didn't like Adam's prideful ego. She refused to be treated any less than a man would.
The only other thoughts I really had were that it could be nice to add more background information on Lilith or even a short conversation between Adam and Lilith to see what their relationship was like. I think that would be a cool aspect to have so readers could see how they both acted towards each other before Lilith was exiled. But, still, you honestly did a great job, I really enjoyed this read!
This was such an interesting perspective on the story of Eve. This was a very well written story and I enjoyed reading this. I love that the first paragraph you did not really know who was talking but then that pulled the reader in to start the connection between the reader and the author. I could picture everything that was happening in this story and although I couldn't relate to the character, I could see what was happening throughout the story. Great job!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, you might be my new favorite person (please, no one else be offended iI'm just kind of fan-girling right now). This story was awesome. I think it takes a respectable amount of courage and creativity to write something like this. I really kind of hope that you write something related to this in your storybook because I really loved this and would love to read more!
ReplyDeleteHi Mary. I really enjoyed reading your story! I was not familiar with Lilith and reading this has inspired me to find out more. Your direct link to the story made that really easy! I really enjoyed the perspective you chose because I often find myself wondering about some of the "side" characters in biblical stories. I think that it is natural for anyone reading the original text to question why Lilith should be subservient to Adam when they were created equally. I was able to identify with your characters easily because of your thorough descriptions.
ReplyDeleteYour blog design is really nice. It’s great to see a different theme for once and it suits your story very well. The dark colors help set the scene for Lilith’s story. The font and margins make the story easy to read, but I would suggest double spacing between paragraphs. Overall I enjoyed Lilith's first person perspective and the prose flowed nicely. In the second paragraph, I became a little confused on tense. Should it be surprised* and beguiled*?
All of your links seem to be working well but maybe you could adjust the links on the images so they provide more information. I noticed that the picture links only show the image, not any information about it.
Overall, I really, really enjoyed this story and I would love to see you expand on it!
I saw the title of this story in your reflection, hence I came here to read it. And I am happy I did. This was a very nicely written story. Lilith's point of view really puts things into perspective as it tells us how Adam behaved or acted. I didn't find any errors in the story. Great job on that as that is hard to accomplish. The story flowed really nicely and it was told beautifully. Great job!