You have no idea how happy I was to see that no textbooks were required for this class. I've already spent a ridiculous amount of money on books this semester and I still need a couple more. Regardless, it was refreshing to find many stories I am interested in reading on UnTextbook.
- I am extremely interested in the Filipino tales genre. I even told my mother about it and she said she would love to read over some of them with me and compare and contrast it to the stories that she grew up with. I could not just choose one for this.
- When I was younger, my aunt gave me a book of Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales. I never really got around to reading a lot of it but I especially love that a couple of Disney movies are an adaptation from them. I am definitely interested in reading the original version of The Little Mermaid.
- I remember reading Dante's Inferno and the nine circles of Hell. It would be nice to get reacquainted with the book.
- I was so happy when I found that the Brothers Grimm was on UnTextbook. I really am a big fan of Disney and I would love to read the original versions of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White in all it's dark and gritty glory.

I chose the picture because it is so iconic; this is the scene of Adam, Eve, and the Devil disguised as a snake. The devil has successfully convinced Eve to taste the forbidden fruit causing their eviction from the Garden of Eden. Many variations of this scene has been done and regardless of your end of the theology spectrum, you will most likely know what it is referring to.
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